bplist [-A | -B] [-C client] [-S master_server] [-k policy] [-t policy_type] [-F] [-R [n]] [-b | -c | -u] [-l] [-r] [-flops options] [-Listseconds] [-T] [-Translateownership] [-unix_files] [-nt_files] [-s date] [-e date] [-I] [-PI] [-keyword keyword_phrase] [filename] [-Listpolicy] [-nboptimized | -nbnormal]
On UNIX systems, the directory path to this command is /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/
On Windows systems, the directory path to this command is install_path\NetBackup\bin\
The bplist command shows a list of previously archived or backed up files according to the options that you specify. You can choose the file or directory and the time period that you want the listing to cover. Directories can be recursively displayed to a specified depth. bplist shows only the files that you have read access to. It lists the files only if an administrator account performs the user backup.
You also must own or have read access to all directories in the file paths. You can list the files that were backed up or archived by another client only if the NetBackup administrator has validated you to do so.
If you create the following directory with public-write access, bplist creates a debug log file in this directory that you can use for troubleshooting:
UNIX systems: usr/openv/netbackup/logs/bplist/
Windows systems: install_path\NetBackup\logs\bplist\
-b displays the backup date and time of each file.
-c displays the last inode modification date and time (UNIX systems) or creation date and time (Windows systems) for each file.
-u displays the last access date and time of each file.
The default is to display the time of the last modification of each file.
For Windows systems, use uppercase for the drive letter. For example:
C:\NetBackup\log1For directories, if you do not use the -R option, include the trailing path separator as in the following:
UNIX systems: bplist -l "/home/user1/*"
Windows systems: bplist -l "D:\WS_FTP.LOG\*"
If you use the asterisk meta-character (*), use quotation marks around the file name for the command to work properly.
You can use this option in place of or in combination with the other restore options to make it easier to restore backups and archives. Use the following meta-characters to help match keywords or parts of keywords in the phrase:
* matches any string of characters.
? matches any single character.
[ ] matches one of the sequence of characters that is specified within the brackets.
[ - ] matches one of the range of characters, that is separated by the "-".
The keyword phrase can be up to 128 characters in length. All printable characters are permitted including space ("") and period (".").
The phrase must be enclosed in double quotes ("...") or single quotes (oq...cq ).
The default keyword phrase is the null (empty) string.
On UNIX systems, -l lists the following file details in a long format: Mode, owner, group, size in bytes, and time of last modification for each file (see the EXAMPLES section). The list shows the mode of each file as ten characters that represent the standard UNIX file permissions. The first character is one of the following:
d (specifies a directory)
l (specifies a link)
m (specifies a file that migrated by Veritas Storage Migrator for UNIX or Veritas Data Lifecycle Manager)
- (specifies a file)
The next nine characters show the three sets of permissions. The first set shows the ownercqs permissions, the next set shows the user-group permissions, and the last set shows permissions for all other users. Each set of three specifies the read, write, and execute permissions as follows:
r = the file is readable
w = the file is writable
x = the file is executable
- = the indicated permission is not granted
UNIX systems:
/tmp/junk/test /abc/123/xxx/test /abc/123/xxx/yyy/zzz/testWindows systems:
\tmp\junk\test \abc\123\xxx\test \abc\123\xxx\yyy\zzz\test
On UNIX systems, -r lists the raw partitions that were backed up. The default is to list file systems.
-s specifies a start date and time for the listing. The resulting list shows only files in backups or the archives that occurred at or after the specified date and time.
The required date and time values format in NetBackup commands varies according to your locale. The /usr/openv/msg/.conf file (UNIX) and the install_path\VERITAS\msg\LC.CONF file (Windows) contain information such as the date-time formats for each supported locale. The files contain specific instructions on how to add or modify the list of supported locales and formats.
For more about the locale of your system, see "About specifying the locale of the NetBackup installation" in the NetBackup Administrator's Guide, Volume II.
The valid range of dates is from 01/01/1970 00:00:00 to 01/19/2038 03:14:07. The default is the current date minus six months.
-e specifies an end date and time for the listing. The resulting list shows only files from the backups or the archives that occurred at or before the specified date and time. Use the same format for start date and time. The default is the current date and time.
Windows systems: -s specifies the name of the NetBackup server. The default is the server designated as current on the Servers tab of the Specify NetBackup Machines dialog box. To display this dialog box, start the Backup, Archive, and Restore user interface on the client. Then click Specify NetBackup Machines on the File menu.
0 = Standard
4 = Oracle
6 = Informix-On-BAR
7 = Sybase
8 = MS-SharePoint
11 = DataTools-SQL-BackTrack
13 = MS-Windows
15 = MS-SQL-Server
16 = MS-Exchange-Server
17 = SAP
18 = DB2
19 = NDMP
20 = FlashBackup
21 = Split-Mirror
25 = Lotus Notes
29 = FlashBackup-Windows
35 = NBU-Catalog
39 = Enterprise-Vault
40 = VMware
41 = Hyper-V
44= BigData
The client on which you run the bplist command and -Translateownership option must be the same as the client that you specify with the -C option.
On operating systems other than Linux, this option has no effect.
Example 1 - List recursively in long format, the files that were backed up in /home/usr1 (UNIX) or D:\WS_RTP.LOG (Windows).
On UNIX systems:
# bplist -l -R /home/usr1 lrwxrwxrwx usr1;usr@ eng;None 0 Apr 28 12:25 /home/usr1/dirlink drwxr-xr-x usr1;usr@ eng;None 0 Apr 04 07:48 /home/usr1/testdir drwxr-x--- usr1;usr@ eng;None 0 Apr 04 07:49 /home/usr1/dir -rwxr----- usr1;usr@ eng;None 1002 Apr 02 09:59 /home/usr1/dir/file lrwxrwxrwx usr1;usr@ eng;None 0 Apr 04 07:49 /home/usr1/dir/link
On Windows systems:
# bplist -l -R D:\WS_FTP.LOG -rwx------ bjm;usr@ bjm;None 64 Oct 10 2012 D:\WS_FTP.LOG -rwx------ bjm;usr@ bjm;None 64 Oct 10 2012 D:\WS_FTP.LOG -rwx------ bjm;usr@ bjm;None 64 Oct 10 2012 D:\WS_FTP.LOG
Example 2 - List the files that were backed up and associated with all or part of the keyword phrase "MyHomeDirectory".
UNIX: # bplist -keyword "*MyHomeDirectory*" -l /home/kwc/
Windows: # bplist -keyword "*MyHomeDirectory*" -l C:\home\kwc\
Example 3 - List the files that were archived and associated with all or part of the keyword phrase "MyHomeDirectory"
UNIX: # bplist -A -keyword "*MyHomeDirectory*" -l /home/kwc/
Windows: # bplist -A -keyword "*MyHomeDirectory*" -l C:\home\kwc\
Example 4 - Lists recursively and with details the output from bplist on a Windows master server from a Windows client. Enter the following command to list the files that were backed up on drive D of Windows client slater and associated with all or part of the keyword phrase "Win NT":
# bplist -keyword "*Win NT*" -C slater -R -l C:\client_data_2 drwx------ root;usr@ root;None 0 Aug 28 17 C:\client_data_2\ -rwx------ root;usr@ root;None 40 Aug 05 24 C:\client_data_2\ewr.txt drwx------ root;usr@ root;None 0 Aug 28 17 C:\client_data_2\ -rwx------ root;usr@ root;None 40 Aug 05 24 C:\client_data_2\ewr.txt
The user column (root;usr@) for the Windows images displays the user that backed up the file and the owner@domain separated by a semicolon. The group column (root;None) for the Windows images is the group that backed up the file and the group@domain separated by a semicolon.
Example 5 - List the files from a Linux VMware backup and translate the UID and GID to the user name and the group name:
# bplist -Translateownership -S host0.example.com -C client0.example.com -R 1 -l -t 40 -E -unix_files -b /user1_home drwxr-xr-x user1 grp 0 Sep 09 10:39 /user1_home/ drwxr-xr-x user1 grp 0 Sep 09 10:39 /user1_home/user_data/ drwxr-xr-x root root 0 Sep 09 10:39 /user1_home/root_data/ drwxr-xrwx root root 0 Sep 09 10:39 /user1_home/root_data_write/ drwxr-xr-x root root 0 Sep 09 10:39 /user1_home/root_data.orig/ drwxr-xr-x user1 grp 0 Sep 09 10:39 /user1_home/444.txt/
UNIX systems: /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/bplist/log.mmddyy
Windows systems: install_path\NetBackup\logs\bplist\*.log