nbcertcmd -checkClockSkew [-server master_server_name]
nbcertcmd -cleanupCRLCache -expired | -issuerHash SHA-1_hash_of_CRL_issuer_name
nbcertcmd -cleanupToken [-server master_server_name]
nbcertcmd -createCertRequest -requestFile request_file_name [-servermaster_server_name]
nbcertcmd -createECACertEntry -host host_name | -hostId host_ID -subject subject_name_of_the_certificate [-server master_server_name]
nbcertcmd -createToken -name token_name [-reissue -host host_name | -hostId host_id] [-maxUses number] [-validFor numDnumHnumM] [-reason description_for_auditing] [-server master_server_name]
nbcertcmd -deleteAllCertificates
nbcertcmd -deleteCertificate -hostId host_id [-cluster]
nbcertcmd -deleteECACertEntry -subject subject_name [-server master_server_name]
nbcertcmd -deleteToken -name token_name [-reason description_for_auditing] [-server master_server_name]
nbcertcmd -deployCertificate -certificateFile certificate_file_name
nbcertcmd -displayCACertDetail [-server master_server_name] [-json | -json_compact]
nbcertcmd -displayToken -name token_name [-json | -json_compact] [-server master_server_name]
nbcertcmd-ecaHealthCheck [-trustStorePath path_to_CA_certificate_file] [-certPath path_to_certificate_file] [-privateKeyPath path_to_certificate_key_file] [-passphraseFile path_to_passphrase_file] [-crlCheckLevel LEAF | CHAIN | DISABLE] [-crlPath path_to_CRLs] [-cluster] [-web] [-fmt details | failures_only] [-json | -json_compact]
nbcertcmd -enrollCertificate [-force] [-preCheck] [-cluster] [-server master_server_name] [-remoteHost remote_host_name]
nbcertcmd -getCACertificate [-file hash_file_name] [-cluster] [-server master_server_name]
nbcertcmd -getCertificate [-token | -envtoken environment_variable | -file authorization_token_file] [-force] [-cluster] [-server master_server_name] [-json | -json_compact]
nbcertcmd -getCRL [-server master_server_name] [-cluster]
nbcertcmd -getExternalCertDetails -certPath path_to_certificate_file [-json | -json_compact]
nbcertcmd -getSecConfig [-certDeployLevel] [-caUsage] [-server master_server_name]
nbcertcmd -hostSelfCheck [-cluster] [-server master_server_name]
nbcertcmd -listAllCertificates [-jks]
nbcertcmd -listAllDomainCertificates [-json | -json_compact] [-server master_server_name]
nbcertcmd -listCACertDetails [-json | -json_compact] [-cluster]
nbcertcmd -listCertDetails [-ECA | -NBCA] [-json | -json_compact] [-cluster]
nbcertcmd -listEnrollmentStatus [-remoteHost remote_client_name] [-cluster] [-json | -json_compact]
nbcertcmd -listToken [-all] [-json | -json_compact] [-server master_server_name]
nbcertcmd -removeCACertificate -fingerPrint certificate_fingerprint\fB [-cluster]
nbcertcmd -removeEnrollment [-cluster] [-server master_server_name] [-remoteHost remote_client_name]
nbcertcmd -renewCertificate [-host host_name] [-cluster] [-server master_server_name]
nbcertcmd -revokeCertificate -host host_name | -hostId host_id [-reasonCode value] [-server master_server_name]
nbcertcmd -setSecConfig -certDeployLevel level [-server master_server_name]
nbcertcmd -signCertificate -token | -file authorization_token_file-requestFile request_file_name -certificateFile certificate_file_name
nbcertcmd -updateConf
nbcertcmd -updateCRLCache
On UNIX systems, the directory path to this command is /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/
On Windows systems, the directory path to this command is install_path\NetBackup\bin\
The nbcertcmd command is used to request and manage host ID-based security certificates on each NetBackup host. A NetBackup host can be a master server, media server, or client. Use the command to enroll an external CA signed certificate with a NetBackup host.
This command is also used to create and manage the authorization tokens that may be required to request certificates for NetBackup hosts.
Additionally the command is used to set and retrieve the security configuration attributes.
The Privilege details table lists the operations that require administrator privileges and also the operations that do not require special privileges. Table A.1. Privilege details.PP Commands that require NetBackup administrator privileges
-cleanupToken, -createECACertEntry, -createToken, -deleteToken, -deleteECACertEntry, -displayToken, -listAllDomainCertificates\fR, -listToken, -revokeCertificate, and -setSecConfig
Commands that require host administrator privileges
-cleanupCRLCache, -createCertRequest, -deleteAllCertificates, -deleteCertificate, -deployCertificate, -displayCACertDetail, -ecaHealthCheck, -enrollCertificate, -getCACertificate, -getCertificate, -getCRL, -hostSelfCheck, -listAllCertificates, -listCertDetails, -listEnrollmentStatus, -removeCACertificate, -removeEnrollment, -updateCRLCache, -renewCertificate, and -updateConf
Commands that do not require special privileges
-checkClockSkew, -getExternalCertDetails,-getSecConfig, -listCACertDetails, and -signCertificate.
For more information about host ID-based security certificates and authorization tokens, see the [1]NetBackup Security and Encryption Guide.
The nbcertcmd supports the following operations:
Cleans up the NetBackup Certificate Revocation List (CRL) cache.
This command option is only applicable for external CA-signed certificates.
Deletes the tokens that have reached their maximum usage count or have expired.
This command option is only applicable for NetBackup CA-signed certificates.
Generates a NetBackup security certificate signing request on the NetBackup host and saves it into the specified file. The command should be used on the NetBackup host when there is no connectivity with the master server. The command must be executed on the NetBackup host for which you want to request the certificate.
Use the -server option to specify the master server name in the certificate signing request. This name is the master server from which the NetBackup host expects the certificate.
Adds an entry for the host and the associated subject name of the certificate in the NetBackup database for secure communication with the master server.
This command option is only applicable for external CA-signed certificates.
Creates a token for authorizing certificate requests.
This command option is only applicable for NetBackup CA-signed certificates.
Displays the time difference (in seconds) between the current host and the master server.
Deletes all NetBackup certificates and keys that are available on the NetBackup host. This option is only applicable on media servers and clients.
This command option is only applicable for NetBackup CA-signed certificates.
Deletes the NetBackup certificate of the NetBackup host that is associated with the specified host ID and removes the specified host ID entries from the CertMapInfo.json file. This option is available on all NetBackup hosts.
This command option is only applicable for NetBackup CA-signed certificates.
Removes the association of the external certificate with the host. The certificate entry is deleted from the database.
This command option is only applicable for external CA-signed certificates.
Deletes the specified token.
This command option is only applicable for NetBackup CA-signed certificates.
Reads the host security certificate from the specified certificate file and deploys it on the NetBackup host. The command must be executed on the NetBackup host on which the certificate signing request was generated.
This command option is only applicable for NetBackup CA-signed certificates.
Displays the NetBackup CA certificate details from the specified master server.
This command option is only applicable for NetBackup CA-signed certificates.
Displays the attributes and the value of a specified token.
This command option is only applicable for NetBackup CA-signed certificates.
Checks whether the details that you have provided for the external CA-signed certificate are valid.
This command option is applicable only for external CA-signed certificates
Enrolls an external CA signed certificate with the NetBackup domain. This certificate is used during host communication.
This command option is only applicable for external CA-signed certificates.
Connects to the master server and gets the certificate of the NetBackup Certificate Authority (CA). It then displays the fingerprint of the certificate and adds it to the NetBackup trust store after confirmation from the user.
This command option is only applicable for NetBackup CA-signed certificates.
This option performs the following actions:
This command option is only applicable for NetBackup CA-signed certificates.
Fetches the latest certificate revocation list from the NetBackup CA on the master server. You can use the -server option to specify an alternate master server. Use the -cluster option to fetch the latest CRL from the global certificate store.
This command option is only applicable for NetBackup CA-signed certificates.
Lists the details of the specified external CA-signed certificate.
This command option is only applicable for external CA-signed certificates.
Retrieves the specified security configuration attribute.
Indicates if the host's certificate is revoked or not revoked. In case of NetBackup CA-signed certificates, to ensure that you have the latest CRL information, first run nbcertcmd -getCRL. In case of external CA-signed certificates, to ensure that you have the latest CRL information, first run nbcertcmd -updateCRLCache. Before running the nbcertcmd -updateCRLCache, ensure that the latest CRLs are available at the location that is defined in the ECA_CRL_PATH configuration option.
Lists the details of all security certificates that are available on the NetBackup host.
Requests all of the NetBackup certificates for the domain from a NetBackup master server. By default, this operation uses the first server entry in the NetBackup configuration (bp.conf). You can use the -server option to specify an alternate master server.
This command option is only applicable for NetBackup CA-signed certificates.
Lists the details of trusted CA certificates that are stored in the NetBackup trust store of the NetBackup host.
Lists the certificate details for each security certificate that is deployed on the NetBackup host.
Retrieves the enrollment status for the associated master servers from the local certificate store. The enrollment status of a master server can be one of the following:
Lists the tokens. The option does not display the token value.
This command option is only applicable for NetBackup CA-signed certificates.
Removes the NetBackup CA certificate from the NetBackup trust store that is used for secure communications, whose fingerprint matches with the input fingerprint. Use the -listCACertDetails option to view fingerprint of existing CA certificates.
This command option is only applicable for NetBackup CA-signed certificates.
Removes the external certificate details with respect to the specified master server from the local certificate store. The certificate is neither deleted from the system nor from the NetBackup database.
Renews an existing NetBackup certificate. Use the -host option to change primary name of host.
This command option is only applicable for NetBackup CA-signed certificates.
Revokes a NetBackup certificate. The NetBackup host can no longer use the certificate to communicate with the master server.
This command option is only applicable for NetBackup CA-signed certificates.
Sets the specified security configuration attribute.
Reads the certificate signing request from the specified request file and sends it to the NetBackupCA on the master server that is listed in the signing request. The signed certificate is stored in the specified certificate file. The command must be executed on the NetBackup host which has connectivity with the master server.
This command option is only applicable for NetBackup CA-signed certificates.
Updates the external certificate-specific configuration options once the ecaHealthCheck command is successfully run.
Updates the NetBackup CRL cache with the CRL files that are present at ECA_CRL_PATH. The ECA_CRL_PATH setting is specified in the NetBackup configuration file.
The CRL file present at ECA_CRL_PATH is used if it is valid and more current then the cached CRL copy.
This command option is only applicable for external CA-signed certificates.
0 - Very High: Automatic certificate deployment is disabled.
1 - High: Certificates are automatically deployed to known hosts.
2 - Medium: Certificates are automatically deployed to all requesting hosts.
0 - Unspecified, 1 - Key Compromise, 2 - CA Compromise, 3 - Affiliation Changed, 4 - Superseded, 5 - Cessation of Operation
When you use -remoteHost with the -listEnrollmentStatus option, the -remoteHost option lists the enrollment status for the master servers that are associated with the specified remote host.
When you use -remoteHost with the -removeEnrollment option, the -remoteHost option removes the enrollment of the specified remote host that exists with the specified master server.
Ensure that the name of the server from where you run the -remoteHost option is listed in the SERVER configuration option of the remote host.
For example: If you want to enroll a certificate for remoteHost1 from Server1, ensure the following in the configuration file on the remoteHost1: SERVER = Server1
Example 1: Create a token to request a certificate re-issue.
# nbcertcmd -createToken -name acme01_HR05 -reissue -validFor 10D -host HRfileserver.acme.com -reason "issued token on request of Alice through email dated 12/08/2016"
Token XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX created successfully.
Example 2: Obtain a certificate from a specified master using a token
# nbcertcmd -getCertificate -token -server nbmaster01.acme.com
Authorization Token: Host certificate received successfully from server nbmaster01.acme.com.
Example 3: Request and deploy a certificate on a NetBackup host that has no connectivity with the master server.
# nbcertcmd -createCertRequest -requestFile /tmp/request_file_name -server master.servername
Host certificate request generated successfully.
# nbcertcmd -signCertificate -file authorization_token_file -requestFile /tmp/request_file_name -certificateFile /tmp/signed_certificate
Sending certificate request to server: master.servername Host certificate request signed successfully.
# nbcertcmd -deployCertificate -certificateFile /tmp/signed_certificate Deploying certificate from master server: master.servername Host certificate deployed successfully