nbgetconfig -M host [-x | -X | -d | -D] [config_item ...]
nbgetconfig [-u | -h] [-x | -X | -d | -D] [config_item ...]
nbgetconfig -private_exld_list
On UNIX systems, the directory path to this command is /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/
On Windows systems, the directory path to this command is install_path\NetBackup\bin\
The nbgetconfig command is available for all NetBackup host platforms. It displays the configuration information of a specified host in various formats.
You must have administrator privileges to run this command.
The following is part of a listing that the -D option returns:
REQUEST_DELIVERY_TIMEOUT [300] (300) DISABLE_SCSI_RESERVE [NO] (NO) Time_Overlap [60] (60) Buffer_Size [16] (16) Use_Archive_Bit [YES] (YES) Perform_Default_Search [YES] (YES) Accumulate_Files [NO] (NO)The -d option functions like the -D, except -d displays only the entries changed from the configuration defaults. The following is an example display:
PEM_VERBOSE [-1] (0) JM_VERBOSE [-1] (0) RB_VERBOSE [-1] (0) CONNECT_OPTIONS [**configured**] () Exclude [**configured**] () Browser [teburi.min.vrts.com] () AUTHENTICATION_DOMAIN [**not configured**] () VXSS_NETWORK [**not configured**] () PREFERRED_NETWORK [**not configured**] ()More information on many of the configuration items are described in the [1]NetBackup Administratorcqs Guide, Volume I.
If config_item is specified, it appears on the specified configuration items.
Example 1 - Retrieve the VERSIONINFO option setting from the bp.conf file.
# nbgetconfig VERSIONINFO VERSIONINFO = "Windows2008" "6" "win_x64" "NetBackup" "7.6" 760000
Example 2 - Retrieve the list of directories and files that are excluded by default from a backup.
#nbgetconfig -private_exld_list Total Number of Entries in Exclude List : 24 /usr/openv/var/global/vxss/ /usr/openv/var/global/wsl/credentials/ /usr/openv/var/session/ /usr/openv/var/vxss/at/ /usr/openv/var/vxss/credentials/ /usr/openv/var/vxss/crl/ /usr/openv/var/websvccreds/ /usr/openv/var/global/wmc/cloud/*.pem /usr/openv/var/global/webrootcert.pem /usr/openv/var/global/.yekcnedwssap /usr/openv/var/global/jkskey /usr/openv/var/keyfile.dat /opt/VRTSnbu/var/global/vxss/ /opt/VRTSnbu/var/global/wsl/credentials/ /opt/VRTSnbu/var/session/ /opt/VRTSnbu/var/vxss/at/ /opt/VRTSnbu/var/vxss/credentials/ /opt/VRTSnbu/var/vxss/crl/ /opt/VRTSnbu/var/websvccreds/ /opt/VRTSnbu/var/global/wmc/cloud/*.pem /opt/VRTSnbu/var/global/webrootcert.pem /opt/VRTSnbu/var/global/.yekcnedwssap /opt/VRTSnbu/var/global/jkskey /opt/VRTSnbu/var/keyfile.dat
nbsetconfig, bpgetconfig, bpsetconfig