Program configuration for Forte Free Agent 2.0

Make the following adjustments to use our news server:

If you already use Free Agent as your news reader, start the program as usual and continue with the configuration as described at step #2.

If you start the program for the first time after the installation on your computer, you are asked to supply some information. Enter the name of our news server into the field "News (NNTP) Server": News.FU-Berlin.DE
Please enter your correct e-mail address in the field "Email Address" and your full name (first name and surname) in the field "Full Name".

Acknowledge by clicking OK.

Free Agent Setup

Subsequently, you are asked whether you would like to fetch the list of newsgroups from the server. Please answer this with No.

Free Agent Setup - Dialog

You can configure a new news server after the first installation of Free Agent, too. Please select Options / General Preferences,

Options / General Preferences

choose Servers and Accounts / News Server and enter the name of our news server into the field "Host Name": News.FU-Berlin.DE
Next to that, select the "Login Method" Username and password:

It is not necessary to enter a password as long as you're on campus at Freie Universität Berlin, or connected via VPN or WLAN (but excluding Eduroam at other universities).

Note: This password is not your general ZEDAT password, but a special News password, which is assigned on request.

General Preferences / Servers and Accounts / Login Method / Username and password

Check "Remember Password between sessions". Please enter your username into the field "Username" and your password into "Password" from the account details you have received from us:

Remember password between sessions - enter username and password

For the supplement of your personal adjustments, please choose Servers and Accounts / User Identity within the same window. Check out the correctness and completeness of the first two lines:

General Preferences / Servers and Accounts / User Identity

Quit the configuration with OK.

With the instruction Online / Refresh Groups List you can now request the list of available newsgroups:

Online / Refresh Groups List

At the following question about extinct groups we recommend the selection "Delete extinct groups that are empty".

Refresh Groups List / Delete extinct groups that are empty

From the group list displayed, you can select the groups you would like to read.

Selection of newsgroups

To subscribe to a newsgroup, mark the group with a simple mouse-click and execute the instruction Group / Subscribe.

Subscribing newsgroups

The subscribed group is now marked by a small window symbol left of the group name:

Subscribed newsgroups

If you would like to use Forte Free Agent as news reader for several news servers, you will find additional information from the manufacturer by executing the instruction Help / How to Use Agent,

Help / How to Use Agent

choosing the section "Frequently Asked Questions" and selecting the topic "Can I configure Agent for multiple users and servers?".

Frequently asked Questions